zhǔ yǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.be the main performer; act the leading role (in a play or film)

    • tā zhǔ yǎn guò shí bù yǐng piàn


      She has starred in ten films.

    • lián mèi zhǔ yǎn diàn yǐng


      co-star in a film

    • tā yī shēng zhǔ yǎn guò jǐ shí bù yǐng piàn


      She starred in scores of films in her lifetime.

  • 2

    n.(of a play or film) leading actor/actress; star; leading performer

    • jù zǔ zhèn róng qiáng dà wú lùn zhǔ yǎn hái shi pǎo lóng tào de dōu hěn chū sè


      The cast is outstanding from the leads to the bits.

Word usage

  • "主演" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位".
    • 主演

      one starring

    • 主演

      one starring