zhuō mí cáng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.hide-and-seek; blindman's bluff

    • hái zi men cháng cháng zài nà lǐ zhuō mí cáng


      The children often play at hide-and-seek there.

  • 2

    v.metaplay hide-and-seek; be tricky and evasive; beat around the bush; hedge

    • nǐ jiù zhí shuō ba bù yào gēn wǒ zhuō mí cáng


      Get straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush please.

Word usage

  • "捉迷藏" is often matched with measure word "场"or"次".
    • 捉迷藏

      one game of hide and seek

    • 捉迷藏

      one game of hide and seek