zī xùn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.information

    • hù huàn zī xùn


      exchange data and information

    • tǒng jì dà lù jīng jì zī xùn


      compile economic data from the Mainland

    • tā men jiāng zhěng lǐ tǒng jì dà lù tǐ yù zī xùn


      They will organize and collect statistics on information about sports in Mainland China.

    • wèi shí shī yǔ guó jì quán wēi zī xùn jī gòu de jǐn mì hé zuò xiàng quán guó chéng pìn zhuān yè rén cái


      In order to implement close cooperation with internationally authoritative information bodies, we are hiring specialized employees from all over the country.

    • yǒu yòng de zī xùn


      useful information

    • hēng lì de jì yì li chǔ cún zhe hěn duō zī xùn


      Henry has a memory well stocked with information.

    • nǐ cóng hé dé xī mài dāng láo de zī xùn huò xiāo xi


      How do you get the information about McDonald's?

Word usage

  • "资讯" is often matched with measure word "条".
    • 资讯

      one piece of information