zuò zhě

Chinese dictionary
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  • n.author; writer; artist; composer

    • zhè běn shū yìng zuò zhě de yāo qiú yǐ jīng xià jià le


      The book was withdrawn at the author's request.

    • shū píng jiā duì zhè wèi zuò zhě de wén fēng jìn xíng le yán lì de pī píng


      The reviewer made several strictures upon the author's style.

    • zhè běn shū shì yī wèi hěn yǒu míng de zuò zhě xiě de


      This book is written by a very famous author.

    • xiǎo shuō zuò zhě



    • zuò zhě bù xiáng


      by an anonymous author

    • nà wèi zuò zhě tài máng le méi shí jiān huí fù zhè yàng yī fēng bù zhī suǒ yún de cháng xìn


      That author is too busy to answer such a long and rambling letter.

    • gāi shū de zhǔ yào bù fen tán lùn dào zuò zhě de qīn shēn jīng yàn


      The main body of the book deals with the author's personal experience.

Word usage

  • "作者" is often matched with measure word "个"or"位".
    • 作者

      one writer

    • 作者

      one writer