ān mián yào

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.sleeping pill/tablet; soporific (tablet)

    • tā shì tú fú ān mián yào zì shā


      He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.

    • yī shēng shè fǎ shǐ tā zhú jiàn tíng zhǐ fú yòng ān mián yào


      The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.

    • tā zài tā de shí wù li jiā le ān mián yào


      She laced his food with sleeping pills.

Word usage

  • "安眠药" is often matched with measure word "片"or"瓶"or"粒".
    • 安眠药

      one sleeping pill

    • 安眠药

      one bottle of sleeping pills

    • 安眠药

      one sleeping pill