New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

bàncompanion; keep somebody company

bàn lǚ伴侣partner; especially refers to husband and wife

bàn zòu伴奏accompany; an accompanist

bàn suí伴随follow; adjunct

bǎo mǔ保姆nanny

bǎo guǎn保管take care of; warehouse keeper

àoarrogant; proud and unyielding

ào màn傲慢arrogant

bā guà八卦a set of symbolic signs created by ancient Chinese; absurd

āoconcave; sink


bāo róng包容pardon; contain

bāo zā包扎dress

bāo fu包袱cloth for making a bundle; bundle wrapped in cloth

bàn xìn bàn yí半信半疑not quite convinced

bàn dǎo半岛peninsula

bàn shù半数half

bàn lù半路halfway; being in progress

bàn biān tiān半边天half the sky; women of the new society

bàn tú ér fèi半途而废give up halfway

āi qiú哀求implore

āiah; hey

āi yā哎呀wow; oh


dam; dyke

ào mì奥秘profound mystery

ào yùn huì奥运会Olympic Games

ān níng安宁peaceful; composed

ān dìng安定stable; stabilize

ān xīn安心be relieved; cherish certain intentions

ān fǔ安抚pacify

ān mián yào安眠药sleeping pill/tablet

ān wěn安稳smooth and steady; calm and poised

ān yì安逸easy and comfortable

bǎo kù宝库treasure-house

bǎo zàng宝藏treasure

bā bù dé巴不得earnestly wish

bāng shou帮手help; assistant

cling to; dig up

bànact as; put on an expression

bānturn; win back

bǎ guān把关guard a pass; check on strictly

bǎ shou把手handle; handle

bǎ bǐng把柄handle; hold

bànmix; quarrel

bài huì拜会pay an official call

bài nián拜年pay a New Year's call

bài tuō拜托entrust somebody with something; please

bài jiàn拜见call to pay respects

àn shuō按说normally

àn jiàn按键key

bāibreak off with hands; break up with somebody

bān qiān搬迁move

bǎi píng摆平treat fairly; deal with

bǎi fàng摆放lay

bǎi shè摆设furnish and decorate

bān diǎn斑点spot

áng guì昂贵expensive

àn zhōng暗中in the dark; in secret

àn dì li暗地里secretly

àn shā暗杀assassinate

bǎn kuài板块tectonic plate; constituent parts

àn jiàn案件case

bàng qiú棒球baseball; baseball game

bǎng yàng榜样example

bāostraight-sided pot; stew

áocook on a slow fire; endure

áo yè熬夜stay up all night

ài bù shì shǒu爱不释手love something so much one cannot bear to let go

ài xī爱惜cherish; love dearly

ài lǐ bù lǐ爱理不理be cold and indifferent

ài miàn zi爱面子be concerned about face-saving


ái zhèng癌症cancer

bái bái白白for nothing; without being paied

bǎi fēn bǐ百分比percentage

bǎi hé百合artichoke; edible lily bulb

bǎi kē quán shū百科全书encyclopedia

ài shì碍事be a hindrance to; matter

bàngpound [a measure of weight]; scales

bǎngbind; truss up

bǎng jià绑架kidnap; staking

bà xiū罢休give up

bà miǎn罢免oust

ài zī bìng艾滋病AIDS

bà zhàn霸占forcibly occupy

bǎ zi靶子target

bān fā颁发issue; confer

bān jiǎng颁奖give out an award

bān bù颁布promulgate

bǎo hé饱和saturated; saturated

bǎo mǎn饱满plump; full of vigour

āi jiā āi hù挨家挨户from door to door

ā lā bó yǔ阿拉伯语Arabic

bàn chǎng半场half of the game; half-court

bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ半真半假half-genuine and half-sham; half in jest, half in earnest

bǎi shù柏树cypress

àn lǐ shuō按理说according to reason

bā lěi芭蕾ballet

bàn bù dào办不到cannot handle something