bá hé

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.tug-of-war

    • wǒ men róng huò nǚ zǐ bá hé tuán tǐ sài dì yī míng


      We were very honored to win first place in the women's team tug-of-war competition.

    • shàng jiè tǐ yù dà huì qǐ bá hé bèi liè wéi zhèng shì bǐ sài xiàng mù


      From the last national sports meet, tug-of-war was listed as a regular contest event.

    • chuán yuán men yíng le bá hé bǐ sài


      The sailors won at tug-of-war.

Word usage

  • "拔" and "河" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 运动会班级

      In the sports meeting, two classes had a tug-of-war.

    • 今天身体舒服不了

      I'm not feeling well today, so I can't join in the tug-of-war.

    • 上午我们

      We had a tug-of-war in the morning.