Common separable words HSK 6

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 6.

shàng diào上吊hang oneself

shàng gǎng上岗go on guard; go to one's post

sàng shēng丧生meet one's death

wáng guó亡国perish; fallen state

jiāo fēng交锋engage in a battle; cross swords

shǐ jìn使劲exert all one's strength

cè shēn侧身turn or move sideways; #$

chōng liáng冲凉take/have a shower

chū lán出栏clean up a domestic animal's place; send mature livestock to the slaughterhouse

chū lú出炉take out from a furnace/stove; make something known to the public

pàn xíng判刑award punishment

xiè zhuāng卸妆remove ornaments or formal dress or cosmetics

fā nù发怒lose one's temper

fā gǎo发稿dispatch news releases to newspapers; send manuscripts to press

fā yá发芽germinate

shòu huì受贿bribe-taking

mái tóu埋头be engrossed in

fù chóu复仇avenge

duó guàn夺冠win a championship

zòu xiào奏效prove effective

dìng zuì定罪condemn

duì zhèng对症be directed against an illness

kāi qiào开窍inducing resuscitation; begin to understand

kāi huāng开荒assart

máng huo忙活be busy with something

gǎn ēn感恩be thankful

jié duàn截断cut off; cut short

zhā gēn扎根put down roots; take or strike root

pū miè扑灭stamp/put out; wipe out

dǎ dǔ打赌bet

sǎo máng扫盲eliminate illiteracy

niǔ tóu扭头turn one's head; turn around

chě dàn扯淡nonsense

shū qíng抒情express one's emotions

tóu gǎo投稿submit a piece of writing for publication

tóu tāi投胎reincarnation

kàng hàn抗旱fight a drought; be drought-resistant

kàng hóng抗洪fight a flood

kàng zāi抗灾fight natural calamities

qiǎng xiān抢先forestall

chōu jīn抽筋pull out a tendon; cramp

bō kuǎn拨款allocate funds/money; money appropriated

guà gōu挂钩couple; link up with

pěng chǎng捧场be a member of a claque; flatter

tàn qīn探亲go home to visit one's family or folks

tàn tóu探头pop one's head in; probe

tàn xiǎn探险adventure

jiē guǐ接轨connect the rails; bring in line with

dā chē搭车take advantage of something; take/ride

sā jiāo撒娇behave like a pampered/spoiled child

sā shǒu撒手let go; give up

chè jūn撤军recall troops

fàng pì放屁break/pass wind; talk nonsense

jìn jí晋级be promoted

fú yì服役be on service; do corvée labour

shā jūn杀菌kill/destroy bacteria

lái gǎo来稿contribute; manuscript received by an editor or publisher

méi jìn没劲be exhausted/listless; boring

zhǎng jià涨价hike the price

miè huǒ灭火put out a fire; cut out/turn off an engine

qiān tóu牵头be the first to do something; act as go-between

fàn fǎ犯法break the law

fàn zuì犯罪commit a punishable offence by breaking the law

fàn guī犯规break/violate the rules; foul

jiān kǎo监考supervise a test; invigilator

dào mù盗墓rob a tomb

zhǎ yǎn眨眼blink; blink of an eye

zhuó sè着色color

zhuó lù着陆arrive on land from the air

kē tóu磕头kowtow

zhòng dì种地go in for farming

zhòng tián种田till/cultivate land

chèn zhí称职fully-qualified

chuān kǒng穿孔bore or pierce a hole; perforate

xiù huā绣花embroider

shǔ míng署名sign

sǒng jiān耸肩shrug one's shoulders

tuō tāi脱胎a process of making lacquerware; be born out of

xíng huì行贿bribe

shuō huǎng说谎tell a lie

fù zhài负债incur debts; liabilities

fàn dú贩毒drug trafficking

biǎn zhí贬值depreciate; devalue

fèi jìn费劲laboured

dǔ qì赌气act rashly out of a sense of injustice

yuè yù越狱escape from prison; jailbreak

shū yè输液infusion

shū xuè输血transfuse blood; aid

pì yáo辟谣deny/refute/spike a rumour

tuì yì退役retire from active military service; retire from a professional position

zào yáo造谣start a rumour

nào shì闹事make trouble

fáng yì防疫prevent epidemics

lòu miàn露面show one's face

qū chē驱车ride a vehicle

xià guì下跪kneel down

rù dǎng入党join a political party

mì shí觅食forage for food

xià tián下田go to work in the fields

lí pǔ离谱go beyond/exceed what is proper