bá tuǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.take a step (and begin to run, chase, etc.); walk briskly

    • bá tuǐ jiù zǒu


      walk briskly away

    • tā men bá tuǐ jiù pǎo yī xià jiù zhuā zhù le nà ge nán hái


      They sprang into a run and seized that boy in no time.

    • xiǎo tōu yī tīng dào zǒu jìn de jiǎo bù shēng biàn bá tuǐ jiù pǎo


      The thief immediately took to his heels at the sound of the approaching foot.

  • 2

    v.get away; extricate oneself; leave (one's work)

    • zhè shì tài fù zá chān huo jìn qù zài xiǎng bá tuǐ jiù nán le


      It's too complicated, it's hard to get out of it if you get involved in it .

Word usage

  • "拔" and "腿" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He took to his heels and ran away.

    • 因为事情

      He can't get away, because there are too many things to do.

    • 事务繁多

      With so many things to do, he can't get away.