bǎo quán

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.save from damage; guard or protect; keep intact; preserve

    • wǒ men chéng gōng de zài zāi nàn zhōng bǎo quán le zhè yī qiè


      We managed to preserve all this through the catastrophes.

    • xìng kuī zhàn shì men qiǎng jiù zhè pī jiàn zhù cái liào cái bǎo quán le


      Thanks to the soldiers the building materials were saved.

    • bǎo quán lì liàng


      preserve strength

  • 2

    v.maintain; keep in good condition/repair; keep in good working order (machines, equipment)

    • fǎng zhī jī qì yào dìng qī bǎo quán


      Textile machinery maintained should be regularly.