jiàn shēn fáng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.gym; fitness centre; gymnasium; body-building hall

    • wǒ zài jiàn shēn fáng liàn de guò huǒ le jié guǒ nòng shāng le bèi


      I overdid it in the gym and hurt my back.

    • tā hé tā de sī rén jiào liàn yī qǐ qù le jiàn shēn fáng


      She went to the gym with her personal trainer.

    • duàn liàn wán tā hěn kuài lí kāi le jiàn shēn fáng


      He quickly vacated the gym after the workout.

Word usage

  • "健身房" is often matched with measure word "个"or"间".
    • 健身房

      one gym

    • 健身房

      one gym