bǎo zàng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.treasure; mine; precious (mineral) deposits

    • zì rán bǎo zàng


      natural mineral deposits

    • yì shù bǎo zàng


      treasure-house of fine arts

    • mín jiān jì yì de bǎo zàng zhēn shi wú qióng wú jìn


      Folk arts are a truly inexhaustible treasure trove.

    • fā jué dì xia de bǎo zàng


      unearth buried treasure

    • jīn kuàng bìng fēi wú dǐ de bǎo zàng jīn zi zhōng jiū huì bèi cǎi guāng


      A gold mine is not a bottomless pit, because the gold will run out.

    • yǒu yì xiǎng bù dào de bǎo zàng děng dài bèi fā xiàn


      There are many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery.

Word usage

  • Note
    "藏" cannot be pronounced as "cáng" in "宝藏".
  • "宝藏" is often matched with measure word "批"or"箱"or"处".
    • 宝藏

      one batch of treasure

    • 宝藏

      one case of the treasure

    • 宝藏

      one treasure