
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.(of a teacher) prepare for a lecture

    • jiào shī méi yǒu shí jiān bèi kè


      Teachers have no time for lesson preparation.

    • jiā shàng bèi kè zài nèi wǒ měi tiān gōng zuò shí gè xiǎo shí


      With all the lesson preparation I have to do I work 10 hours a day.

    • jiāo shū yǒu yī tè bié zhī chù jiù shì bèi kè de shí jiān bǐ dà jiā rèn wéi de yào cháng


      The thing about teaching is that it takes more time to prepare than most people realize.

    • yī gè jiào shī lián bèi kè dài gǎi zuò yè měi tiān gōng zuò xiǎo shí


      With preparation and marking, a teacher works 12 hours a day.

Word usage

  • "备" and "课" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 批改学生作业

      After preparing lessons, she is busy correcting the students' homework.

    • 提前

      Prepare lessons sufficiently before class.

    • 昨晚小时

      He has prepared lessons for three hours last night.