
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.change in the state or nature of things; variety

    • guó jì jú shì fā shēng le hěn dà de biàn huà


      There has been a radical change in the international situation.

    • wǒ jiā xiāng yǒu le fēi cháng dà de biàn huà


      Great changes have taken place in my home village.

    • zuì jìn jǐ nián shàng hǎi de biàn huà zhēn dà ā


      The change of Shanghai is so huge in recent years.

  • 2

    v.change; vary; shift

    • jià gé suí jì jié ér biàn huà


      Prices vary with the seasons.

    • yīng gé lán de tiān qì jīng cháng biàn huà


      The weather often changes in England.

    • zhè r de tiān qì biàn huà de hěn kuài


      The weather changes very quickly here.

Word usage

  • "变化" is often matched with measure word "种"or"个"or"点".
    • 变化

      one kind of change

    • 变化

      one change

    • 变化

      a little change