bǐng chéng

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.fmltake (orders); receive (commands)

    • bǐng chéng shàng jí lǐng dǎo yì zhǐ


      act upon the wishes of one's superiors

    • bǐng chéng fù mǔ zhī mìng xíng shì


      act according to one's parents'orders

    • wǒ men jiān xìn dǒng shì huì huì bǐng chéng duì gǔ dōng fù zé de yuán zé yǔ cǐ gōng sī jìn xíng tán pàn dá chéng xié yì cóng ér wèi gǔ dōng móu qǔ zuì dà lì yì


      We strongly believe that the board must negotiate in good faith with the firm in order to strike the best possible transaction for all shareholders.

Word usage

  • Note
    "秉承" cannot be written as "禀承".