cè zi

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.booklet; a set of blank or printed sheets bound in a tablet

    • zhè běn cè zi hěn shí yòng


      The booklet is very practical.

    • zhè běn cè zi jiè shào rú hé shēn qǐng zhí wèi


      The booklet explains how to apply for a place.

    • zhè běn cè zi chōng chì zhe cuò wù de xìn xī


      This booklet is filled with misstatements of fact.

Word usage

  • "册子" is often matched with measure word "本"or"沓"or"摞".
    • 册子

      one copy of the book

    • 册子

      one stack of books

    • 册子

      one stack of books