上市appear on the market; go public
仿佛as if; be more or less the same
失恋be disappointed in a love affair
志愿ideal; do something of one's own free will
抬头lift up/raise one's head; gain ground
招牌shop sign; certain fame or title
暴雨torrential rain; rain 50-100 millimetres in precipitation in 24 hours
来不及find no time to do something
沉默reticent; be silent/speechless
涮wash; scald thin slices of meat in boiling water
熟悉know something or somebody well; be familiar with
纷纷numerous and confused; one after another
胜利defeat one's opponent in a struggle or competition; attain the goal as planned
透pass/seep/ooze/osmose through; tell secretly
人来人往People are coming and going.