cháng xiān

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.have a taste of a delicacy; taste what is new or fresh

    • běn rén xǐ huan cháng xiān


      I like tasting fresh food.

    • zhè xiē shū guǒ huì fēn gěi gōng zuò rén yuán cháng xiān


      The fruits and vegetables will be given to staff for tasting.

    • méi yǒu rén huì hū shì tā de cún zài cháng xiān zhě huì fēng yōng ér zhì


      No one will ignore her presence, early adopters will flock to her!

Word usage

  • "尝" and "鲜" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们今天西餐

      Today, we’ll have a western-style meal for a taste of the novel delicacy.

    • 今年桃子已经

      I have tasted the peaches in season.

  • "尝鲜" can be reduplicated, for example: "尝尝鲜 ".
    • 螃蟹

      These are the crabs I just caught. Please have a taste!