Common separable words HSK 4

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 4.

shàng huǒ上火suffer from excessive internal heat; get angry

shàng mén上门shut the door; drop in

diū liǎn丢脸lose face

zhòng jiǎng中奖get the winning number in a bond

rèn zhí任职hold office/a position/a post

dī tóu低头bow/lower/hang one's head; submit

zuò àn作案commit a crime/an offence

zuò zhèng作证act as evidence; act as witness

shǐ jìn使劲exert all one's strength

bǎo mì保密keep something secret

jiè kuǎn借款loan; loan

zuò mèng做梦have a dream; have a pipe dream

tíng chē停车stop; park

chōng diàn充电charge; update/enrich/renew one's knowledge

miǎn fèi免费free

rù jìng入境enter a country

rù xué入学start school; enter a school/college

rù yuàn入院be hospitalized

yǎng lǎo养老care for the elderly; live out one's life in retirement

chū kǒu出口speak; exit

chū zī出资provide/furnish funds/capital

fēn shǒu分手say good-bye

bàn shì办事handle affairs

bàn àn办案handle with a legal case

jiā yóu加油oil; refuel

jiā bān加班work overtime

jí gé及格pass a test, an examination, etc.

fā guāng发光shine; luminescent

fā shāo发烧run a temperature; be infatuated with

shòu hài受害fall victim to

chī jīng吃惊be shocked

hé zī合资pool capital

mìng tí命题set a question; proposition

bèi àn备案file

shī yè失业lose one's job

cún kuǎn存款deposit; money on deposit

dìng xìng定性determine the nature; determine the chemical composition and properties of a substance

jìn lì尽力do all one can

yìng jí应急meet an urgent need

jiàn jiāo建交establish diplomatic relations

jiàn guó建国found/establish a state; build up a country

kāi huā开花blossom; explode

dé liǎo得了stop it

dé fēn得分score; score of a game/competition

dé dào得到obtain

wàng diào忘掉forget

chéng rén成人grown-up; grow up

dǎ zhé打折give a discount; not do as promised

dǎ pò打破break/smash into pieces; break away from

dǎ bài打败defeat; be defeated

zhuā jǐn抓紧firmly grasp; do something quickly

tóu zī投资invest; investment

tái tóu抬头lift up/raise one's head; gain ground

dān xīn担心worry; concern

pāi zhào拍照photograph

zhāo shēng招生recruit students

guà pái挂牌open an establishment; hang out/up one's shingle

shòu kè授课give instruction

tuī dòng推动promote

shōu huí收回recall; withdraw

zhí shù植树plant trees

bì yè毕业graduation

zhào xiàng照相take a picture/photographs/photos

ài guó爱国love one's country

liú yì留意be careful

dēng shān登山go up a mountain; mountain climbing

dēng jì登记register

xiāng qīn相亲size up a prospective mate in an arranged meeting

zháo jí着急feel anxious

zháo huǒ着火be on fire

pò chǎn破产bankruptcy; go bankrupt

kòng xīn空心on an empty stomach

suàn dé算得count/regard as

guǎn yòng管用useful

tuō wèi脱位dislocate

tuō shuǐ脱水dehydration; become dehydrated

luò dì落地land; be born

píng fēn评分mark; mark given

shuō fú说服persuade

dú shū读书read a book; study one's lessons

tán huà谈话talk/chat/converse; do ideological work in the form of conversation

fù zhòng负重carry a heavy load; shoulder an important task

chāo biāo超标exceed the provided standard

zhuǎn shēn转身turn round; in no time

guò liàng过量excess

yùn qi运气fate; luck

tōng xìn通信communicate by letter; transmit/convey message

tōng qì通气ventilate; be in touch/communication with each other

tōng diàn通电electrify; send an open telegram detailing one's political views

tōng huà通话communicate by telephone; converse

tōng chē通车be open to traffic; have transport service

tōng fēng通风well ventilated; ventilate

jiàng jià降价reduce the price

jiàng wēn降温lower the temperature; drop

shāng rén伤人hurt somebody's feelings; inflict injuries

xī yān吸烟smoke

pái shuǐ排水drain off water

guàng jiē逛街go shopping

mèng jiàn梦见dream

dàng shì当事be in charge; take/treat seriously