chǔ fāng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.prescribe; write out a prescription

    • tā bù shì yī shēng méi yǒu chǔ fāng quán


      She's not a doctor, so she has no right to make prescriptions.

    • tā de yì yù zhèng dé dào le yī shēng chǔ fāng de yào wù zhì liáo


      She was treated for depression with medication prescribed by her doctor.

  • 2


    • zhè zhǒng yào zhǐ yǒu píng yī shēng de chǔ fāng cái néng dé dào


      This medicine is obtainable only on a doctor's prescription.

    • nǐ děi ná zhe chǔ fāng qù zhǎo yào jì shī


      You will have to take your prescription to a chemist.

    • yī shī kāi gěi wǒ yī zhāng chǔ fāng


      The doctor wrote me a prescription.

Word usage

  • "处方" is often matched with measure word "张"or"则".
    • 处方

      one piece of prescription

    • 处方

      one prescription