cuī shēng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.expedite child delivery; hasten parturition

    • zhè yī jiāo yì jiāng cuī shēng quán qiú zuì dà de háng kōng gōng sī


      That deal would create the world's biggest airline.

    • pín jí de zì rán huán jìng hái cuī shēng le lìng rén tàn fú de shēng tài xí xìng


      The barren natural environment gave birth to amazing ecological habits.

  • 2


    • shǒu jī de liú xíng cuī shēng le shǒu jī mó háng yè de fā zhǎn


      The popularity of mobile phones has induced the development of screen protector film.

Word usage

  • "催" and "生" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 已经

      The doctor has already expedited child delivery.