Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

shàng tái上台take the stage; assume power

xià xiāng下乡go down to the country or rural villages

xià lìng下令order

xià tái下台step down from a stage/platform; fall from power

liàng xiàng亮相strike a pose on the stage; make one's debut

shēn shǒu伸手stretch/hold out one's hand; ask for money, assistance, honour, etc. from others or from the state

zuò zhàn作战conduct operations

chōng diàn充电charge; update/enrich/renew one's knowledge

rù gǔ入股become a shareholder

chū chǎng出厂be dispatched from the factory

chū tái出台come up on the stage; appear publicly

chū tǔ出土be excavated; come up out of the ground

fēn lèi分类categorize; assortment

shēng xué升学enter a higher school

shēng jí升级upgrade; go up one or more grades

yā dǎo压倒overwhelm

cān jūn参军enlist; military staff officer

cān zhèng参政participate in politics or government

fā fēng发疯be mentally ill; be out of one's mind

qǔ shèng取胜win victory

shòu zāi受灾disaster-stricken

shòu yì受益benefit from

shòu zǔ受阻meet with obstruction

biàn xíng变形deform; anamorphic

chī cù吃醋of a rival in love be jealous

hán xiào含笑smilingly

xī dú吸毒take drugs

yǎo yá咬牙clench/gnash/grit one's teeth; grind one's teeth

zēng chǎn增产increase production: boost the production

shī liàn失恋be disappointed in a love affair

nài hé奈何what's to be done; why

jiù zhěn就诊see a doctor

jìn xīn尽心show dedication

kāi mù开幕curtain rises; begin

kāi tíng开庭call the court to order

rěn xīn忍心hard-hearted

niàn shū念书read; pursue one’s studies

chéng tào成套form a complete set; complete set

zhí zhèng执政be in power

bǎ mén把门guard a gate; keep the goal

tóu bǎo投保insure

tóu biāo投标tender/bid

pāi zhào拍照photograph

huī shǒu挥手wave one's hand

juān kuǎn捐款contribute money; contribution

juān zī捐资donate money

chā shǒu插手take part in; help with

gǎo dìng搞定solve

yáo tóu摇头shake one's head

jiù mìng救命save somebody's life

jiù guó救国save the nation

jiù zāi救灾provide disaster relief; ward off disaster

duàn nǎi断奶wean; cut off financial support

shī gōng施工construct

shī féi施肥apply fertilizer

liú chǎn流产have an abortion; fail

huá xuě滑雪slide on the snow; ski

xiàn shēn献身devote oneself to; give herself to

lǐ cái理财manage finances

kàn tòu看透understand thoroughly; be resigned to what is inevitable

qiáo jiàn瞧见catch sight of

pèng jiàn碰见meet unexpectedly

lì àn立案put on record; place a case on file for investigation and prosecution

lì fǎ立法legislate

qiān dào签到sign in

qiān míng签名sign; signature

qiān zì签字sign

nà shuì纳税pay tax

zǔ tuán组团form up a delegation

biān hào编号number; serial number

fān shēn翻身turn over; stand up

yù zhǒng育种breed

luò hù落户settle down; register for permanent residence

cáng shū藏书collect books; a collection of books

bǔ kè补课make up/catch up on missed lessons; do once again something not well done

jiàn guǐ见鬼absurd/incredible/preposterous/strange; go to hell

jiě dú解毒detoxicate; relieve internal heat or fever

dìng hūn订婚be engaged to

dìng huò订货place an order; ordered goods/products

shí zì识字become literate

zhuǎn shēn转身turn round; in no time

zhuǎn yùn转运luck turns in one's favour; transport

dá biāo达标be/come up to the standard

guò yè过夜pass/spend a night; of the previous evening or night

wéi fǎ违法break/violate/infringe the law

wéi yuē违约break a contract; break off an engagement

táo tuō逃脱run away; evade

táo zǒu逃走run away

zào lín造林forestation

pèi fāng配方formula; complete the square

pèi zhǒng配种breeding

shǎn guāng闪光blinker light; glisten

bì zuǐ闭嘴shut up

gé rè隔热insulate against heat

qí xīn齐心of one mind

tíng chǎn停产stop production

shàng àn上岸ashore; mend one's ways

jià rén嫁人get married

chēng wéi称为be called/named

zhuǎn tóu转头turn round; make a U-turn