cǔn liàng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.conjecture; guess

    • wǒ cǔn liàng bù chū tā lái gàn shén me


      I couldn't figure out what she had come for.

    • wǒ yī biān zǒu yī biān bù tíng de cǔn liàng tā dào dǐ shì shén me yì si


      As I walked along, I kept guessing what he really meant.

    • tā xīn li cǔn liàng yī dìng shì lǐ má zi tài chǔn


      Pockmarked Li must be stupid, he thought.

  • 2

    v.think over; turn over in one's mind; consider

    • tā cǔn liàng le hěn jiǔ dàn réng rán bù néng zuò chū jué dìng


      She turned the matter over in her mind for a long while, but still could not come to a decision.

    • tā tōng guò fǎn fù cǔn liàng jué dìng jì xù liú rèn


      He turned the matter over and over in his mind for a long time and decided to stay on the job.

    • tā cǔn liàng le yī duàn shí jiān cái shuō


      He deliberated for an age before speaking.