
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.respteacher

    • wǒ shì yī gè lǎo shī


      I am a teacher.

    • tā tīng cóng le lǎo shī de quàn gào


      He took the teacher's advice.

    • yīng yǔ lǎo shī dài xué sheng chéng kěn nài xīn dà jiā dōu yuàn yì qīn jìn tā


      As the English teacher is sincere and patient, every student of the class wants to be friends with her.

    • nǚ lǎo shī


      female teacher

Word usage

  • Note
    "老师" is different from "教师" and "教员". "老师" can be modified by nouns or personal pronouns that represent people, such as "她的老师"; "教师" and "教员" cannot be used in this way. "老师" is a widely-used term of appellation , and can also be used to call certain professionals in other industries; "教师" and "教员" are professional names, which only refer to full-time personnel who serve in teaching.
  • "老师" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位"or"个".
    • 老师

      one teacher

    • 老师

      one teacher

    • 老师

      one teacher