dà fán

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  • adv.generally; in most cases

    • dà fán zuò jī běn jiàn shè de dān wèi liú dòng xìng dōu bǐ jiào dà


      Generally speaking, units engaged in capital construction have noticeable fluidity.

    • dà fán jiǔ hòu kāi chē de rén dōu yì chū chē huò


      Generally those who drink will cause traffic accidents.

    • dà fán jiān chí duàn liàn de shēn tǐ dǐ kàng lì dōu bǐ jiào qiáng


      Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to disease.

    • dà fán zì sī de rén zuì zhōng dōu yào chī kuī


      In most cases, selfish people will suffer in the end.

    • dà fán shì wù tīng qí zì rán jiù huì měi kuàng yù xià


      Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

Chinese words with pinyin da fan