dài yú

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.cutlass fish

    • wǒ guó de shuǐ chǎn zī yuán shí fēn fēng fù dài yú shì zhōng guó zuì zhòng yào de hǎi yáng jīng jì yú zhǒng zhī yī


      Aquatic resources are very abundant in China and cutlass fish is one of the most important marine economical species.

    • shuǐ zú guǎn li yǒu yī xiē hěn yǒu qù de hǎn jiàn de dài yú


      The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual fish.

Word usage

  • "带鱼" is often matched with measure word "条"or"斤".
    • 带鱼

      one hairtail

    • 带鱼

      one jin of hairtail

Chinese words with pinyin dai yu