dǎo shǒu

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.move from one hand to the other

    • tā méi dǎo shǒu yī kǒu qì bǎ xiāng zi tí dào bā lóu


      Without even swapping hands, he carried the suitcase up to the eighth floor in one go.

  • 2

    v.(of merchandise, etc.) change hands

    • zhè pī huò tā yī dǎo shǒu jiù zhuàn le sān qiān yuán


      As soon as this batch of goods passed through his hands, he made a 3000-yuan profit.

    • yòng yín háng de qián mǎi fáng zài bǎ fáng zi chǔ bèi zhe dǎo shǒu mài


      Bank purchases using money, then sell the house reserves to change hands.

Word usage

  • "倒" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 一口气箱子

      I lifted the box to the fifth floor at one go without changing hands.

    • 古董

      How many times has this antique been transacted?

    • 这些价钱

      These goods can be sold at a good price by a round transaction.

Chinese words with pinyin dao shou