
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1 a film, play, etc.

    • wǒ dǎo yǎn guo wǔ bù diàn yǐng


      I directed five films.

    • tā dǎo yǎn le duō bù yǐng piàn


      He directed many films.

    • tā dǎo yǎn le zhè bù jì lù piàn


      He directed the film.

  • 2

    n.director (of a play, film, etc.)

    • dǎo yǎn qiǎo miào de jiāng kǒng bù hé xì jù yuán sù yǔ kē huàn xiǎo shuō róng hé qǐ lai


      The director adeptly blends elements of horror and drama with the science fiction.

    • yīn zuò wéi diàn yǐng dǎo yǎn suǒ zuò de gòng xiàn tā huò dé le yī ge tè bié jiǎng


      He received a special award for his work as a movie director.

    • zhè ge dǎo yǎn yī mù yī mù de gěi wǒ men shuō xì


      This director took us through the play scene by scene.

Word usage

  • "导演" is often matched with measure word "名"or"位"or"个".
    • 导演

      one director

    • 导演

      one director

    • 导演

      one director

Chinese words with pinyin dao yan