HSK level V

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 5.

bù rú不如inferior to; might as well

bù ān不安sorry; uneasy

bù dé liǎo不得了terrible; very

bù duàn不断continue;unceasingly

bù rán不然not so; or else

bù yào jǐn不要紧never mind; appear not to matter

bù jiàn dé不见得not necessarily

bù zú不足not enough; less than

chǎn pǐn产品produce

chǎn shēng产生bring about

bǎo cún保存preserve

bǎo chí保持keep

bǎo liú保留retain; hold back

bǎo xiǎn保险assure; safe

bàng wǎn傍晚nightfall

volume; copy

bīng jī líng冰激凌ice cream

bàn lǐ办理handle

bāo hán包含contain; inclusion

bāo kuò包括comprise

bāo guǒ包裹dress; bundle

bó wù guǎn博物馆museum

cān yù参与participate in

cān kǎo参考consult; reference

chā zi叉子fork

chǎonoisy; make a noise

chǎo jià吵架quarrel

āiah; hey

ān wèi安慰console; feel encouraged

ān zhuāng安装install

bǎo bèi宝贝good-for-nothing or queer character; treasured object

bǎo guì宝贵valuable; value

ànlofty; shore

chā jù差距discrepancy

cloth; a copper coin in ancient times

cháng shí常识general/elementary knowledge; common sense

cǎi hóng彩虹rainbow

bǐ cǐ彼此each other; me too or you too

bì rán必然inevitable; be bound to

bì yào必要necessary

bēi guān悲观pessimistic

cán kuì惭愧ashamed

chāocopy; plagiarize

bǎ wò把握hold;seize

bào dào报到register

bào gào报告report; report

bào shè报社general office of a newspaper

bào dào报道report; news report

bào yuàn抱怨complain

chāitake apart; dismantle

chāstick; interpose

bǎiput; list

bō fàng播放be played on the air; broadcast a TV programme

cāo chǎng操场playground

cāo xīn操心worry

àndark; hidden

céng jīng曾经once

cháocourt; dynasty

běn kē本科undergraduate course

běn zhì本质essence; nature

běn lǐng本领ability

biāo zhì标志sign; mark

biāo diǎn标点punctuation; punctuate

bù zhòu步骤step

bǐ lì比例proportion; ratio

bì jìng毕竟after all

cè yàn测验test; test

cháo shī潮湿moist

chǎofry; roast while stirring

áo yè熬夜stay up all night

ài xīn爱心compassion

ài xī爱惜cherish; love dearly

ài hù爱护care

bō li玻璃glass; glass-like plastic

bìng dú病毒virus; computer virus

biān jí编辑compile; editor

bèi jǐng背景stage setting; background to a picture or photograph that sets off the main subject

bó zi脖子neck

báothin; poor

bǔ chōng补充supplement; additional

biǎo qíng表情show/express one's feelings by facial expression or body language; expression

biǎo míng表明indicate

biǎo xiàn表现show; behaviour

biǎo dá表达convey

biǎo miàn表面surface; superficiality

bèi zi被子quilt

cái chǎn财产property

chāo jí超级super

cǎistep on; belittle

chē kù车库garage

biàn lùn辩论debate

bì miǎn避免avoid

bù mén部门department

cǎi qǔ采取adopt; take

cǎi fǎng采访interview; hunt for and collect

cháng tú长途long distance; long-distance bus/call

biān pào鞭炮firecrackers; string of small firecrackers

bù nài fán不耐烦impatient; bored


bēicarry on the back; bear