dào tiē

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.make a loss on something that was intended to be profitable; pay instead of getting paid

    • tā men wú cháng de zuò zhe yī qiè shèn zhì zì jǐ hái dào tiē le dà bù fen jiā dàng jìn qù


      They did all this for free and even spent most of their own money.

    • zhè gè gōng sī dào tiē nóng mín qián qù mǎi tā de jìng zhēng zhě de chú cǎo jì


      This company has been paying farmers to use its competitors' herbicides.

  • 2

    v.(of a woman) pay for the upkeep of her paramour

    • tā lǎo gōng zhǎo le qíng fù tā hái dé dào tiē


      Her husband found a mistress and she had to pay for the upkeep of her.