diǎn xué

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(in Chinese boxing) touch vital points on the adversary's body to cause internal injury

    • bèi bù diǎn xué liáo fǎ


      back point therapy

  • 2

    v.dated(of a fengshui man) select the grave site for somebody

    • tā zhèng zài wéi guò shì de mǔ qīn diǎn xué


      He is selecting the grave site for somebody.

  • 3

    n.a massage therapy

    • cǐ fǎ shì jí diǎn xué àn mó wéi yī tǐ de zōng hé liáo fǎ


      It is a comprehensive therapy in which digital point pressure and massage are also included.

Word usage

  • "点" and "穴" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 请问哪个可以缓解头疼

      Which acupoint can relieve the headache?

    • 然后逃走

      He gave me a hit at a certain acupoint and ran away.

Chinese words with pinyin dian xue