diàn shì tái

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • n.television station; TV station

    • tā zài zhōng guó zhōng yāng diàn shì tái gōng zuò


      He works in China Central Television Station.

    • tā zì chēng shì yīng guó zuì shòu huān yíng de diàn shì tái


      It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK.

    • zhè ge gōng sī jīng yíng sì gè yǒu xiàn diàn shì tái


      The company operates four cable television stations.

Word usage

  • "电视台" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 电视台

      one television station

    • 电视台

      one television station