dòu zuǐ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.bicker; squabble; quarrel; tiff

    • gēn rén dòu zuǐ òu qì


      fall out with somebody and sulk

    • bié zài dòu zuǐ le


      Stop bickering!

    • zhè liǎng gè hái zi zǒng shì wèi xiǎo shì dòu zuǐ


      The two children were always bickering with each other over small matters.

  • 2

    v.make fun of each other; contend glibly; exchange banter

    • hù xiāng qǔ xiào dòu zuǐ


      play jokes and banter with each other

Word usage

  • "斗" and "嘴" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们偶尔一下

      We have a squabble occasionally.

    • 他们之前

      They had a squabble before.

    • 他们见面

      They have a squabble as soon as they meet.