dū shì huà

Chinese dictionary
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  • v.urbanization

    • rén lèi jìn rù le yī gè lì shǐ de zhǎn xīn de jiē duàn jīng jì huán qiú huà dū shì huà de sù dù yī zhí jiā kuài suí zhī gěi wǒ men dài lái le hěn duō wèn tí


      The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.

    • tóng shí qīng nián zài zhè xiē bù suàn chéng gōng de chū lù xuǎn zé zhōng yě wán chéng le zhī shi qīng nián dū shì huà de guò chéng le


      At the same time, the process of knowledge youth urbanization has also been completed by youth in these less successful options.