duàn àn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.settle a lawsuit

    • liǎng gè lǜ shī biǎo xiàn chū le zhí yè sù yǎng fǎ guān yě duàn àn gōng zhèng


      The lawyers were professional, and the judge was fair.

    • tā yīn wèi duàn àn zhǔn què ér shòu dào biǎo zhāng


      He was cited for settling lawsuits correctly.

    • rén men xī wàng fǎ guān duàn àn shì gēn jù kè guān de zhēn shí de shì shí zuò chū xiāng yìng cái duàn


      It is hoped that the judge settle a lawsuit is based on the fact that the real objective findings accordingly.

  • 2

    n.conclusion (of a syllogism)

    • xuān shì duàn àn tōng cháng yòng yú cài yì fǎ tíng


      Compurgation was used frequently in manorial courts.

Word usage

  • "断" and "案" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 证据不了

      There is no enough evidence to settle the case.

    • 我们大家肃静

      We are settling a lawsuit. Please be quiet!

    • 法官证据

      The judge found the evidence and settled the case.