ēn cì

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.derogdated(of an emperor) bestow imperial favors (on somebody)

    • duì wài yuán zhù bù shì dān fāng miàn de ēn cì ér shì xiāng hù de


      Aid to other countries is not a kind of unilateral alms but is mutual.

    • zì yóu shì rén mín zhēng lai de bù shì ēn cì de


      Freedom is won through struggle, not bestowed by anyone.

  • 2

    n.charity; favor; gift of grace

    • wǒ men bù néng děng dài zì rán de ēn cì


      We cannot wait for the kindness of nature.

    • hūn yīn shì ēn cì guān xi


      Marriage is a give-and-take relationship.

    • shòu dà zì rán tè bié ēn cì de guó jiā


      countries particularly favored by nature

Word usage

  • "恩赐" is often matched with measure word "个"or"点"or"份".
    • 恩赐

      one gift

    • 恩赐

      one little gift

    • 恩赐

      one gift