
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.metareflect; mirror; reveal the essence of something

    • fǎ lǜ fǎn yìng le rén mín yì zhì


      A law should be a reflex of the will of the people.

    • zhè ge jué dìng fǎn yìng le guǎng dà rén mín de gēn běn lì yì


      This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people.

    • tā men de xíng dòng qīng chu de fǎn yìng le tā men de sī xiǎng


      Their actions clearly reflect their thoughts.

  • 2; make known; inform authorities or department concerned of a situation, opinions, etc.

    • qǐng fǎn yìng zhēn shí qíng kuàng


      Please inform me of the real situation.

    • zhè ge wèn tí yào xiàng guǎn lǐ bù mén fǎn yìng


      This problem should be reported to the department in charge.

    • wǒ jiāng jīng cháng xiàng nǐ fǎn yìng jìn dù


      I'll keep you informed of the progress made.

  • 3

    v.reaction; (of an organism) active process of receiving and responding to the impact of actual events

    • yǒu jī tǐ kě yǐ fǎn yìng kè guān shì wù de huó dòng guò chéng


      Organisms can reflect the activity process of objective things.

Word usage

  • Note
    "反映" is different from "反应". "反映" is "reflect", "反应" is "reaction".