
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.visit; interview; call on

    • jì zhě fǎng wèn le zhè ge zhàn dòu yīng xióng


      A reporter interviewed the combat hero.

    • tā cǐ kè zhèng zài yīng guó zuò duǎn qī fǎng wèn


      He is now on a brief visit to England.

    • fǎng wèn qīn yǒu


      call on friends and relatives

  • 2

    v.browse or look for information on a website

    • wǒ men yīng gāi gěi jiē kǒu zuò shang biāo jì biǎo míng tā men shì fǒu yòng yú yuǎn chéng fǎng wèn


      We should mark the interfaces to indicate whether they are used for remote access.

    • fǎng wèn cún chǔ xì tǒng de chéng xù huì yǔ xū nǐ jī xì tǒng jìn xíng tōng xùn


      Programs that access the storage system communicate with the virtual machine system.

    • tā de diàn nǎo fǎng wèn quán xiàn guān bì le


      Access to her computer is closed.

Word usage

  • "访问" is often matched with measure word "次".
    • 访问

      one visit