伴侣partner; especially refers to husband and wife
保管take care of; warehouse keeper
包围surround; launch frontal attack and assault the enemy's flanks and rear at the same time
包袱cloth for making a bundle; bundle wrapped in cloth
北极North Pole; north magnetic pole
备忘录memorandum; memorandum book
安置allocate accommodation to somebody
把关guard a pass; check on strictly
报警report to the police; give an alarm
报销submit an expense account; hand in a list of expended articles
拔苗助长be over-enthusiastic in assisting something to grow, thus causing it great damage
拜托entrust somebody with something; please
掰break off with hands; break up with somebody
本钱capital; qualification, ability, condition, etc. that one can rely on
比喻compare one to another; metaphor
比重specific gravity; proportion
爆发erupt; violent social change
爱不释手love something so much one cannot bear to let go
疤scar; something that resembles a scar
磅pound [a measure of weight]; scales
臂arm; the upper arm in anthropometry
闭塞stop/close up; hard to get to
饱经沧桑have experienced/witnessed/undergone many vicissitudes of life; #$