HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

bàn lǚ伴侣partner; especially refers to husband and wife

bàn suí伴随follow; adjunct

bǎo yǎng保养keep fit; maintain

bǎo wèi保卫defend

bǎo mǔ保姆nanny

bǎo shǒu保守guard; conservative

bǎo mì保密keep something secret

bǎo guǎn保管take care of; warehouse keeper

bǎo zhòng保重take care of oneself

bǎo zhàng保障ensure; guarantee

bāo wéi包围surround; launch frontal attack and assault the enemy's flanks and rear at the same time

bāo bì包庇shield

bāo fu包袱cloth for making a bundle; bundle wrapped in cloth

bāo zhuāng包装pack; wrappings

běi jí北极North Pole; north magnetic pole

bàn tú ér fèi半途而废give up halfway

bēi bǐ卑鄙contemptible; humble

bèi fèn备份duplicate; backup

bèi wàng lù备忘录memorandum; memorandum book

bēn bō奔波rush about

bēn chí奔驰gallop; Mercedes Benz

ào mì奥秘profound mystery

ān níng安宁peaceful; composed

ān zhì安置allocate accommodation to somebody

ān xiáng安详serene

bēng kuì崩溃collapse

bā bù dé巴不得earnestly wish

bā jie巴结curry favour with; diligent

bì bìng弊病malady; drawback

bì duān弊端abuse

bēi āi悲哀grieve

bēi cǎn悲惨miserable

cling to; dig up

bàn yǎn扮演act as; have an effect

bǎ guān把关guard a pass; check on strictly

bǎ shou把手handle; handle

bào chóu报仇avenge

bào fù报复revenge

bào dá报答requite

bào jǐng报警report to the police; give an alarm

bào chou报酬reward

bào xiāo报销submit an expense account; hand in a list of expended articles

bào fù抱负ambition

bá miáo zhù zhǎng拔苗助长be over-enthusiastic in assisting something to grow, thus causing it great damage

bài nián拜年pay a New Year's call

bài tuō拜托entrust somebody with something; please

bài fǎng拜访give somebody a look-in

àn mó按摩massage

áisuffer; drag out

bāibreak off with hands; break up with somebody

bǎi tuō摆脱break away from

bānspot; spotted

áng guì昂贵expensive

àn shì暗示drop a hint; suggestion

ài mèi暧昧equivocal; dubious/shady

bào lì暴力violence; force

bào lù暴露reveal

bào guāng曝光expose; exposure

běn shi本事talent

běn rén本人self; in person

běn néng本能instinct; instinctive

běn shēn本身oneself

běn qián本钱capital; qualification, ability, condition, etc. that one can rely on

àn jiàn案件case

àn lì案例case

bǎng yàng榜样example

bǐ yù比喻compare one to another; metaphor

bǐ fang比方analogy; suppose

bǐ zhòng比重specific gravity; proportion

bào fā爆发erupt; violent social change

bào zhà爆炸blow up; bombing

ài bù shì shǒu爱不释手love something so much one cannot bear to let go

ài dài爱戴love and support/esteem

bǎn běn版本edition; version


scar; something that resembles a scar

ái zhèng癌症cancer

bàngpound [a measure of weight]; scales

bèn zhuō笨拙clumsy

bǎng jià绑架kidnap; staking

bà gōng罢工go on strike

bèi pàn背叛betray

bèi sòng背诵recite

arm; the upper arm in anthropometry

bèi dòng被动passive; unfavorable

bèi gào被告defendant

bèi ké贝壳shell

bài huài败坏debase; badly corrupted

bèngjump; appear suddenly

bèng fā迸发burst forth

bī pò逼迫force

bǐ shì鄙视despise

bì sè闭塞stop/close up; hard to get to

bà dao霸道strong

bān fā颁发issue; confer

bān bù颁布promulgate

bǎo hé饱和saturated; saturated

bǎo jīng cāng sāng饱经沧桑have experienced/witnessed/undergone many vicissitudes of life; #$

bí tì鼻涕nasal mucus

āo tū凹凸concave-convex