gǎn jí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.go to market; go to a fair

    • zhèn shang féng jí nóng mín dōu dài zhe tè chǎn lái gǎn jí


      Whenever the market day comes round, the farmers of the countryside bring their special products for the market.

    • jīn tiān shì gǎn jí rì


      Today is a market day.

    • wǒ huì chuān zhe zhè tiáo lián yī qún qù gǎn jí de


      In this dress, I will go to the fair.

    • gǎn jí mǎi dōng xi


      buy something at the fair

Word usage

  • "赶" and "集" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 昨天

      I went to a fair yesterday.

    • 小时候爷爷

      When he was a child, he went to the fair with his grandfather.

Chinese words with pinyin gan ji