gàn shén me

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adv.(ask for the reason or purpose) why; whatever for

    • nǐ rèn wéi nǐ jiū jìng zài gàn shén me


      What the hell do you think you are doing?

    • nǐ men zài wǒ fáng jiān lǐ gàn shén me


      What are you doing in my room?

    • nǐ men zhàn zài nà lǐ gàn shén me


      What are you doing standing there?

Word usage

  • Note
    1.When enquiring about objective reasons or principles, use "为什么" or "怎么" rather than "干什么" or "干吗"( gànmá), such as "太阳为什么比月亮明亮?" 2.When "干" means "do", "干什么" is a verb-object phrase, which means "doing something, etc.".