gēng yī shì

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.changing/dressing/locker room

    • tā zài yóu yǒng chí páng de gēng yī shì li tuō diào le yī fu


      He got undressed in a cubicle next to the pool.

    • tā zài gēng yī shì děng zǔ zhǎng


      She waited for the group leader in the dressing room.

    • wǒ huí dào le gēng yī shì


      I was back in the changing room.

  • 2

    n.euphtoilet; bathroom

    • qǐng děng yī huì wǒ yào qù tàng gēng yī shì


      Please wait for a while, I shall go to bathroom.

Word usage

  • "更衣室" is often matched with measure word "间".
    • 更衣室

      one dressing room