
Chinese dictionary
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  • conj.about; concerning; as concerns

    • guān yú xīng xiū shuǐ lì shàng jí yǐ zuò le zhǐ shì


      The higher authorities have issued an instruction on building water conservancy projects.

    • zhè shì yī fèn guān yú guó jì tài shì de bào gào


      This is a report on the international situation.

    • zhè shì yī gè guān yú hǔ de gù shi


      This is a story about tiger.

    • guān yú tā de shì wǒ zǎo jiù tīng shuō le


      I heard about her affairs long ago.

    • zhè běn shū shì guān yú rú hé tí gāo yǔ yán jì néng de


      This book is concerned with how to improve language skills.

    • guān yú bǎo hù sēn lín de guī dìng


      regulations concerning the protection of forests

    • zhè fān guān yú guǐ hún de huà tīng de tā máo gǔ sǒng rán


      All this talk about ghosts is giving him the willies.

Word usage

  • Note
    "关于" is different from "对于". 1. "关于" is followed by the related things; "对于"is followed by objects or targets. 2. "关于..." can only be used before the subject as an adverbial; "对于..." can be used before or after the subject as an adverbial. 3. The prepositional phrase of "关于" can be used as the title of the article, but the prepositional phrase of "对于" cannot be used.

Chinese words with pinyin guan yu