huà xiàng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.draw a portrait; portray

    • tā zhèng zài wèi yī gè lǎo rén huà xiàng


      He is drawing a portrait of an old man.

  • 2


    • yī fú lǔ xùn de huà xiàng


      a portrait of Lu Xun

    • zǒng tǒng zài tā suí chù kě jiàn de huà xiàng zhōng tōng cháng shì chuān zhe jūn zhuāng de


      The ubiquitous portraits of the president usually showed him in military uniform.

    • yī fú nán kàn de huà xiàng


      an unflattering portrait

Word usage

  • "画" and "像" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 特别逼真

      The portrait she drew is especially true to life.

    • 休息一下

      After finishing this portrait, you should take a break.

    • 画家

      This painter once painted a portrait for me.

  • "画像" is often matched with measure word "张"or"幅".
    • 画像

      one portrait

    • 画像

      one portrait