上山climb a mountain; be placed on small straw bundles to spin cocoons
上市appear on the market; go public
下地leave a sickbed; go to the fields
下定give gift; effect the advance payment
下马get off a horse; discontinue work
作法exercise magic; technique of writing
出头do something in person; be released
到底to the end/finish/utmost; at last
务实deal with concrete matters relating to work; pragmatic
复位restore; be restored to the throne
安心be relieved; cherish certain intentions
定位orientate; evaluate something after putting it in proper perspective
开业start business; open a private practice
开口put the first edge on a knife; open one's mouth
开盘give/report the opening quotation; start to sell
当家be the head of the family; play the leading role
得分score; score of a game/competition
打破break/smash into pieces; break away from
放电discharge electricity; produce electricity
有数limited in number; know exactly how things stand
来信send/deliver a letter here; incoming letter
洗手wash one's hands; wash one's hands forever of criminal activity
用心with concentrated attention; motive
离婚break up/dissolve a marriage
站住stop; stand firmly on one's feet
设计design; hatch/work out a scheme/plan/plot
谈话talk/chat/converse; do ideological work in the form of conversation
赛车car/motorcycle/bicycle racing; racing car/motorcycle/bicycle
过去leave or pass by where the speaker or listener is for somewhere else;die
过年celebrate the New Year; next year
过时pass the fixed/appointed time; out-of-date
过节celebrate a festival or holiday; after the festivities
送礼give somebody a gift/present; bribe
通信communicate by letter; transmit/convey message
题词write words of commemoration, encouragement or appreciation; dedication
下山come/go down the mountain; set
有情be in love; be interesting/appealing
要脸be conscious of one's reputation