huàn xīn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.transplant an artificial heart; transplant a heart (into a patient)

    • jīng lì huàn xīn shǒu shù


      Undergo an artificial heart transplant.

  • 2

    v.metabe sincere and intimate with one another; treat each other with sincerity; be intimate and candid with somebody

    • huàn xīn péng you


      bosom friend

    • zhēn chéng jiù shì yòng xīn huàn xīn jì néng zhēn xīn chéng yì de qù lǐ jiě bié rén yòu néng dǎ kāi zì jǐ de shì jiè ràng bié rén zǒu jìn lái


      Sincerity is trade one's heart for another's. That is to sincerely appreciate others and also open one's own would to let others' come in.