huò hai

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.disaster; catastrophe; scourge

    • tù zi zài fù jìn zhè yī piàn nóng cūn shì yī zhǒng huò hai


      The rabbits are a curse in the surrounding countryside.

    • shǎo yī gè dí rén jiù shì shǎo yī gè huò hai


      One less of the enemy is one less scourge.

    • shǐ shang de huáng hé jīng cháng yǐn qǐ huò hai


      In the history, the Yellow River often wreaked havoc.

  • 2

    v.bring disaster to; damage; destroy

    • xiū hǎo shuǐ kù hòu hóng shuǐ jiù bù huì zài huò hai rén le


      After fixing the reservoir, floods stopped bringing disaster to the people.

    • yě zhū qún yǐ jīng huò hai le yī dà piàn zhuāng jia


      Wild boars have destroyed a large patch of crops.

    • fáng zhǐ tián dì bèi huò hai


      Prevent the fields from being damaged.

Word usage

  • "祸害" is often matched with measure word "个"or"种".
    • 祸害

      one scourge

    • 祸害

      one kind of scourge