
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.basis; starting point

    • zhè piān bào dào wǒ men zài yuán lái de jī chǔ shang yòu zēng jiā le yī xiē xīn nèi róng


      We added some new content in this report on the basis of the original.

    • xìn rèn shì hūn yīn de láo gù jī chǔ


      Trust is the strong foundation of marriage.

    • zhè piān fēn xī shì yǐ zuì xīn shù jù wéi jī chǔ de


      This analysis is based on the most recent data available.

    • diàn dìng jī chǔ


      form a base

  • 2

    n.base; foundation (of a building)

    • gěi fáng zi dǎ jī chǔ


      lay the foundations of a house

Word usage

  • "基础" is often matched with measure word "个"or"点".
    • 基础

      one foundation

    • 基础

      a little foundation