jiā fēng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.put up a strip of paper to seal a door

    • gěi jī mì wén jiàn guì zi jiā fēng


      seal up a confidential filing cabinet

  • 2

    v.confer or grant additional titles or territories to the nobles in the past

    • yào bǎo xiǎn de huà bāo zhuāng yī dìng yào quán jiā fēng


      To be insured, the package must be completely sealed.

Word usage

  • "加" and "封" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He sealed up the doors and windows.

    • 康熙孔子

      The Emperor Kangxi granted Confucius an additional title.