jiǎ shǒu

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.hand prosthesis; artificial hand

    • gěi bìng rén zhuāng jiǎ shǒu


      fit an amputee with a prosthetic hand

    • dāng jiǎ shǒu jiē chù dào wù tǐ shí chuán gǎn qì chǎn shēng yī gè jiē yuè xiǎng yìng


      A step response is generated when the prosthetic hand touches an object.

  • 2

    v.do something through somebody else; make a cat's paw of somebody

    • jiǎ shǒu yú rén


      use others to achieve one's aims

    • tā yī qiè shì qing dōu zì jǐ zuò bìng bù jiǎ shǒu tā rén


      She does everything himself and doesn't have anyone else to help him.

    • jiǎ shǒu shā rén


      borrow another person's hands to kill somebody

  • 3

    v.use a ghostwriter

    • diào chá bào gào yī dìng yào zì jǐ zhuō bǐ bù néng jiǎ shǒu tā rén fǒu zé kě néng huì shī zhēn


      The report has to be written by you and not ghostwritten, otherwise it probably won't be faithful to the truth.

Word usage

  • "假" and "手" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 可以别人自己

      You can't use other people to try to get it for yourself.